JULIA KARLOVA – Artist and Designer

Julia Karlova with daisies

Julia was born in 1972. From early childhood she showed great interest in painting. She dreamed of becoming an artist, and aspired to reach her goal.

After graduating from Art College with honors in 1992 she created her own author’s method of teaching watercolor painting, helping others to discover and develop their own creative abilities.

In 2007 Julia graduated from the International Design School (Moscow) with a diploma in Interior Design.

In 2009 she graduated with honors from RHODEC International (London) and received her Diploma as an Interior Designer.

In 2010 Julia worked as a volunteer with oncological children in a children’s clinical hospital, practicing art therapy and teaching painting.

Julia Karlova is a participant and prize-winner of many art exhibitions including the prestigious Grand Prix of International Design “Design-Debut 2006” Award.

Her paintings are in museums and private collections in Russia, Ukraine, Canada, USA, Japan, Norway, France, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and other countries.

Julia Karlova

Watercolor helps me express my feelings, allowing me to share the joy and beauty of the miracle of nature. We just need to stop for a moment to feel this beauty, enjoy it, allow it into our hearts and fill our lives.

I hope that my paintings will evoke bright and joyful emotions and inspiration, and that they will help you to believe in yourself and your own talents.

Let’s bring beauty to the world and make it a brighter and kinder place to live!